元築地市場セリ人で現在TSUKIJI FISH MARKET Inc.代表の疋田拓也氏が魚について熱く語る“Edomae in Spring”が3月13日に日本カナダ商工会議所・JETAABC(ジェットプログラムOB会BC州ユーコン準州支部)の共催で行われました。
The JCCOC-JETAABC* co-hosting event, “Edomae in Spring”, was held successfully on March 13th welcoming enthusiastic and hungry 20 guests. Having peeked a daily life of a fish auctioneer at the prestigious Tsukiji market, participants learned what decides the Edomae quality of fish.
The most interactive part of the event was the tasting of slices of shime-saba (mackerel marinated in vinegar) and anago (conger eel marinated and cooked in a sweet soy sauce) with the presenter’s preparation tips performed right in front of gourmets in Vancouver. After the event, a bottle of sashimi shoyu from Wakayama Prefecture was sent to a winner as a door prize.
*JETAABC is the British Columbia / Yukon chapter of JETAA-International, the alumni association for participants of the Japan Exchange and Teaching Programme.
イベント写真一覧/Event photo gallery