

初代会長, 名誉理事
Gary Matson







この使命を実行するために、2003年にはChinese Entrepreneurs Society of Canadaと協力体制を取るべき同意がなされました。

また、2005年にカナダ社会との交流を活発にするために、他民族の多いカナダのBurnaby Board of Trade とも同意がなされました。その後、情報交換、行事等でも協力体制を取ってきました。




Dear Members,

The Japan-Canada Chamber of Commerce was registered with the Ministry of Industry of Canada in 2003 as the only federally registered Japanese Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Canada.
The majority of our members are comprised of corporate and individual members and also those who are interested in business between Japan and Canada, mostly based in Canada. Our mission is to encourage and develop business relationships, not only in the Japanese community but with other various communities within our multi-cultural society. Also, we wish to contribute to society through our activities and cooperate with the community to be better citizens and develop long term friendships.

We have executed our mission step by step.

In 2003, the cooperation agreement between JC-COC and Chinese Entrepreneurs Society of Canada was made.

In 2005, in order to advance our mission to local Canadian society, we established a joint membership with the Burnaby Board of Trade. Consequently, we have been involved in a variety of events which have helped to develop the well balanced, multi-cultural
business and friendly society that we share.

In 2014, we built some large bridges between Japanese Companies and
our members. Now we are expanding with new, stronger relationships
and many new members and directors. We welcome you to our team and
look forward to establishing new ties.


Japan- Canada Chamber of Commerce
Kazuko Komatsu





2020年から始めたお国自慢(I LOVE MY HOMETOWN)イベントはBC都道府県人会から生まれたお国自慢実行委員会と共催でこれまでに日本の10都市をライブ・ストリームで紹介しました。こちらも日本とカナダをつなぎ、日本の観光スポットを紹介して日本の良さを知っていただくというたいへん楽しいイベントです。




Greetings from Sammy Takahashi, President

The Japan Canada Chamber of Commerce was founded in 2003 by five people, including the late Kazuko Komatsu, First President and honorary director and Saeko Tsuda, former President and honorary director.

We currently have fifteen directors who are actively involved in various activities. One of our primary missions is to connect Japan and Canada through business, culture, education, and tourism. We promote the sister city relationships between Canadian cities and their counterparts as part of this mission. We took the initiative in the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the sister city relationship between the cities of North Vancouver and Chiba in 2018. We sent a totem pole that symbolizes the First nation people in Canada to Wakayama in commemoration of the sister city relationship between Richmond and Wakayama.
Next year will mark the 60th anniversary of the sister city relationship between New Westminster and Moriguchi in Osaka. 

We started the OKUNI JIMAN (I LOVE MY HOMETOWN) events in 2020. We have introduced ten prefectures of Japan by connecting people from those prefectures here and back in Japan on a live stream. 

These are fun events that truly connect Japan and Canada by introducing some tourist attractions in each area.We also offer seminars on how to immigrate to Canada, services to start up a new business in Canada, and activities to familiarize Canadians with Japan and Japanese culture. 

We are a group of open-minded people with inclusion and diversity in mind. We want to welcome you on board.

Sammy Takahashi 


July, 2003
The five founders, Economic Consul of Japan in Vancouver Mr. Tomoo Isaka (2003), Daishowa Marubeni International President Mr. Tokiro Kawamura (2003), JETRO Vancouver General Manager Mr. Nobuyuki Nakamura (2003), Vancouver Shinpo President Ms. Saeko Tusda and Pacific Western Brewing President Ms. Kazuko Komatsu established The Japan-Canada Chamber of Commerce.

October, 2003
Commemoration of The Establishment of The Japan-Canada Chamber of Commerce.

July, 2005
Establishment of The Joint-Membership with The Burnaby Board of Trade.


会員の使命 寛容と協調の精神を以って、人の輪を世界へ広げる努力をする。 会員相互の啓発、互助をはかり事業の更なる安定と発展に努力する。 日系社会に留まらず、カナダ社会との関連を深め、ビジネスを推進していく。 自主的に地域社会へ貢献し、良き市民と成るべく努力をする。

The mission of The Japan-Canada Chamber of Commerce is to facilitate and promote business relations between Japanese and Canadian companies, and to encourage and recognize the activities of entrepreneurs, large and small, within the Japanese-Canadian community. They offer their members opportunities to learn and network within a supportive environment, and foster the highest standards of community leadership and cooperation. They believe that it is very important that Japanese companies operating in Canada participate in local events through local business groups in order to learn about government policies and plans for the future.