




返却不要の助成金 -返却を必要としない助成金です。

返却必要の助成金 -契約により一部または全額の返却が必要な助成金です。










最も大事なことは、自分の始めるビジネスが具体的にどのようなタイプかを正確に知らなければいけません。それに加えて、正確な業種や必要とするの資金の調達タイプについて知るために適切な方法は、カナダ政府のWebサイト「Grants and funding from the Government of Canada」のガイドに沿って調べると良いでしょう。

それが終了したら、次のステップとして、North American Industry Classification system code (NAICS) を使って事業の業種コードを調べてください。どちらとも貴方の事業がどの助成金制度に該当するか(または否か)を理解するのに役にたちます。

助成金は、状況に応じて新たに創設されることがあります。たとえばBC州では、Covid-19期間中で、中小企業を対象とした逸失利益の収入補填として $10,000 から $30,000の補助金が創設されています。この補助金申請に該当する企業の要件は、2020年3月から今日までに至る事業収入が前年同月比で減少していることが助成対象要件となります。


いったん正確な事業業種を把握できれば、さらに会社の事業概要やビジネスプラン、組織、商品の特徴など(そしてそれらリストを作成します)などを把握しましょう。貴社は設立3年の株式会社?それともスタートアップでしょうか?従業員数は何名ですか? 政府助成金では会社の従業員を対象に設計されたものが多くあります。




カナダ政府サイト:Business Benefits Finder








Searching for Business Grants in British Columbia

For those interested in starting their own small business in Canada, you may be interested in looking into financing options to help you get your feet off the ground. You’ll find very quickly that there is no ultimate master list that will list out all the grants available. More often than not, there’s something out there. However, it takes time and a lot of research to find a grant that suits your needs, but with the right kind of search (and knowing what you’re looking at), you’ll pinpoint the exact grant you’ll need to get you started.

Categories of Grants

Non-repayable grant – these are grants that do not need to be returned

Repayable grant – depending on the agreement, these grants either need to be partially or fully returned.

What is a grant?

A grant is simply a certain amount of money given by the government or an organization for a specific purpose. Although grants themselves don’t need to be paid back, it’s not simply “free money” that’s handed out when needed to start a business. There are certain criteria that need to be met before financial support is given. Two examples of this are job opportunities (the expectation that you will provide employment opportunities) and financial investment (the requirement of putting in your own money to get money). When it comes to government grants, their primary interest is helping people. So you’re not likely to get financial support if you can’t prove that their investment will amount to something in return.

How do I search for a grant?

Government-provided grants are extremely specific to the type of business you’re looking to start. Primarily, the most popular businesses in Canada are in retail and small business grants for this sector are few and far between.[1] And you need to know exactly what kind of business you’re in. A good start to figuring out the type of funding you need is to use the guide from the Government of Canada website to determine the exact name for your industry. The next best step would be to find the North American Industry Classification system code (NAICS) for your industry. Knowing both will help you determine what industry grants you’re eligible for. 

Grants that exist can be created situationally. For example, to help support the loss of income for small to medium sized businesses, the government of British Columbia has created grants of $10,000 to $30,000 available to assist during COVID-19. The only criteria to be eligible for this grant is to prove a loss of revenue from March 2020 to today compared to the same one-month period in 2019.[2] So if your business has suffered due to this or other economic circumstances out of your control, this is also a good condition to include when searching for grants to supplement your needs. 

Once you’ve figured out the exact classification of your company, get started on figuring out exactly what your company consists of (and make a list!). Are you an incorporated company of 3 years or a startup? How many employees do you have? Many grants that exist are designed to help you pay your employees or to fund a co-op program. And even though there are a few smaller organizations that offer grants to unincorporated businesses, typically a company would need to be incorporated for a minimum of 2-3 years before they can be considered for a grant. If you are a startup, the loans that typically exist are to help you for a specific reason (e.g., funding research, testing product, or marketing research).

I still don’t know where to start.

If you know the name of your industry and the NAICS, your next best bet is to have a look at the government assistance page. It’s an easy-to-fill out online quiz that gives you a list of options for financial support. Although it’s possible that you won’t find what you’re looking for there,, you will understand what options are available or how to position your company to take advantage of one. For example, there is a tax credit program for scientific research and experimental development (SRED). Although it’s not exactly a business grant, it gives you money in the form of tax credit. 

The idea here is to help you understand what kind of business activities are typically funded and how to get them. There are many options for grants and other funding out there, you just have to to look for it. Taking your time to understand your industry and putting in the research will give you the best chance at finding one.