このイベントを通したファンドレージングで米澤君に$3,305 が支援金として届けられました。この場をお借りして温かいご支援をいただいた皆様にお礼申し上げます。

The Japan Canada Chamber of Commerce supported a charity boxing event which took place on February 11 at Richmond Raincity Boxing Studio. The purpose of this event was to fund raise for Harry Sachiya Yonezawa who’s fighting against a extremely rare cancer he was diagnosed with last October. Eiji Yoshikawa, a former boxer did exhibition matches with a couple of young boxers. There were approximately 300 spectators including the people who came to cheer for some other boxers after us.
We raised $3,305 as a result of fundraising and delivered it to Harry Sachiya Yonezawa after the event. We thank all of you who made a thoughtful donation for Harry.