2/25 Zoom交流イベント「いまつながろう閖上(ゆりあげ)とカナダ」が開催されました。




【イベント内容】 東日本大震災後、宮城県名取市閖上(ゆりあげ)はカナダから多大なる支援を受けました。そこで震災後のカナダと閖上とのつながりを大切に繋いでゆきたいという思いを込め、顔の見える形で双方向が交流できるイベントを企画致しました。(日本語OKです!)

Dear JCCOC members,

We supported the Zoom event, “Let’s Connect Now Yuriage and Canada” being held this Saturday, February 25, by the Nagano research team of Ritsumeikan University.
The research team conducts research on the theme of “social innovation,” which involves technological innovation to solve social problems. In the Yuriage area, which was severely damaged by the Great East Japan Earthquake, the team is conducting area management research to contribute to earthquake recovery from the perspective of revitalizing local exchange and promoting international exchange.

【Event Details】 After the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011, Yuriage, Natori City, Miyagi Prefecture, received significant support from Canada. To cherish the connection between Canada and Yuriage after the disaster, an event is planned to allow for a two-way exchange in a visible form. Zoom will be used to connect both sides online and hold an exchange.