5/28開催予定 大阪の守口市と姉妹都市のNew Westminster市のHyack Festival~神輿担ぎ手募集

5/28 大阪の守口市と姉妹都市のNew Westminster市のHyack Festival
5/28 大阪の守口市と姉妹都市のNew Westminster市のHyack Festival


New Westminster Hyack Festival Association
May 28 Hyack Festical

Join a world-class event, the Hyack Festival parade, and the celebration of Moriguchi, Osaka and New
Westminster’s 60th sister-city anniversary

Dear JCCOC members,

Hope all is well with you. This email is to inform you of the Hyack Festival in New Westminster which will be held on Saturday, May 28. JCCOC is going to participate in the parade with a Mikoshi at the parade.

Join a world-class event, the Hyack Festival parade, and the celebration of Moriguchi, Osaka and New Westminster’s 60th sister-city anniversary. Carry a mikoshi (portable shrine) and feel the Japanese drums with us!

We’re looking for 40 volunteers who can carry a Mikoshi and also just walk at the parade.Please look at the page or attached poster and register if you’re interested.

◇We are currently looking for participants to:
– Carry a mikoshi
– Walk in the parade
*Participants will receive a free T-shirt.

◇You can register using the Google Form:
Registration Form to join the parade at the Hyack Festival of New Westminster

◇Registration Deadline: Friday, May 13

Thanks for your attention.