第20回 日本・カナダ商工会議所年次総会及び懇親会のご報告



拝啓 会員の皆様におかれましては、時下益々ご清祥のこととお慶び申し上げます。

 9月27日(金)午後5時より、ガスタウンのAl Porto Ristoranteにおいて、日本・カナダ商工会議所第20回年次総会を開催いたしました。

年次総会後には、在バンクーバー日本国総領事館 久田 桂嗣領事のご挨拶、続いて弊会名誉理事のGaryMatson氏の商工会議所の歴史を交えたスピーチそして懇親が行われ、参加者は有名店Al Portoのディナーを満喫しながら、楽しい会話の花を咲かせていました。

Dear JCCOC members,

We are happy to announce that JCCOC’s 20th AGM held at Al Porto Ristorante, Gastown Vancouver was a successful and inspiring gathering thanks to members’ support and participation.

After the annual general meeting, Consul Keiji Hisata from the Consulate General of Japan in Vancouver gave a greeting. Following that, Gary Matson, our honorary director, delivered a speech that touched on the history of the Chamber of Commerce followed by a social gathering. Participants enjoyed a delightful dinner at the renowned Al Porto restaurant, engaging in lively conversations.



JCCOC has been in charge of a variety of events, activities, and interactions in order for its members to accelerate meaningful businesses as well as for the two countries to explore and consolidate the ties on multiple levels of business, tourism, culture, education, sports, and more.

We would greatly appreciate your continuous support and participation to the JCCOC chaired by President Sammy Takahashi, and all directors.

【 会員の皆様からのご意見・ご質問に付きましては 】

